Asset Protection for network rail

Hatfield Colliery near Doncaster suffered a huge landslide in February 2013 resulting in all freight and passenger services between Doncaster and Scunthorpe until at least July the same year. Network Rail, however, stated that service would not resume until September 2013. Restoring the track was their main priority. First, the ground had to be safe before works could commence. Further difficulties came from the position of the site compounds; due to the track being unusable, a site compound has to be setup which required security. The site consisted of two locations.

  • Static Guarding
  • Mobile Patrols
  • Canine Patrols

The Process:
From a security point of view, there were more problems still. Black Diamond Security personnel were deployed on each site to cover 16 hours overnight and 24 hours over the weekend. However, this provided to insufficient when compared to the interest surrounding the sites from vandals and thieves. Following a series of break- ins and attempted break- ins Black Diamond authorised the use of Canine Patrols.

The Evalution:
The Handlers were able to react quickly resulting in a reduction in the attempts of violence, trespass, and theft. They proved to very effective and were more canine patrols were along the line to keep up with the site progress. BDS Canine Patrols have enjoyed excellent growth as more of our customers realise the security benefits of using dogs

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